Tuesday, March 17, 2020
New pictures!! Barb O'Toole 21 (it will kill the virus of boredom, at least)
I just had the privilège to see Barb's 10 new pictures, and I think it could possibly be her best set yet! The public spanking, the forced regression with diaper, the beautiful next-door models... it has everything I love, but in new beautiful settings. The title of some pictures actually make me imagine a whole story...
To make a donation and add these 10 new great pieces to your collection, just write directly to her : b_o2l AT yahoo com
And if you do, don't hesitate to post in the comments section below, to let me know if it among your faves, or not. I'd like to know if you see it differently
As for me, I guess you have noticed these pages haven't been updated this winter. Thank you to the people who wrote directly to me to ask if I'm well : ) But to be honest, I can't totally explain to myself why I didn't create more... was there a specific event in my life, a change of mood? I don't see exactly
The picture below this entry is actually finished, and a few others just need some minor changes : )
Now that I'm forced to stay home for weeks because of the COVID-19... well at least the good news is that I have plenty of time to create more ; )
So, just a matter of days now, really
I hope these Barb's pictures will make good to you like it did to me, and you hope you will have another good surprise very soon too
Take care of you and people around! Stay home!
Pretty thing coming up on your screen to help you do so ; )