Monday, April 10, 2017

New shades of humiliation ( CFNM , Medical part 17 )

The wait is over! Here is the new medical update. I hope you'll enjoy it and feel for these unfortunate young men...
For my loyal VIPs : I'm going to send you 2 bonus pictures for your collection. Another retro medical one, quite similar in spirit to the other, but a bigger file (actually I didn't know which one would be public and private).
And another one in colour, about these extremely desperate young men who " fell on - insert something weird here - while getting out from the shower ". The Doctor has to remove it, and the Mom who drove him to the Emergency Room looks "a bit" amused and/or embarrassed. Ask your friends who work at hospital for similar stories... I'm just putting reality in picture here!

So that's 4 pictures in total.

I hope to hear from you : )

If not, until the next update!



  1. Great work again! I particularly like the one with the young nurse fresh out of college tweeting a picture of one of her first patients. I also like the one where the mother brings her young son to the ER after he "fell on something", as it reminds me of my mother told me a few years back. My mother was at the hospital because my sister was having a baby(I was at work), and she later told me that when she was in the waiting room there was a teenage boy with a broken leg sitting next to his mother, and when she asked her what happened she told her that when he was getting out of the shower he slipped and fell (No, he didn't "accidentally fall on anything",ha ha!), and broke his leg. My mom told her she noticed his hair was wet, and the boys mom told her that she had to get him dressed because he couldn't walk, and he said "Mom!", to which she replied: "Oh, it's nothing I haven't seen before. After all, I changed your diapers when you were a baby!" My mom then said they both started laughing, and he started blushing!

    1. Nice story!!
      But this man ACTUALLY fell. I'm more interested with the others ; )

    2. What do you mean you're more interested in the others?

    3. I mean I'm more interested here with the young men who DIDN'T actually fell (on something that magically entered up the bum) , but pretend they did : )

    4. Wonderful work, Alex! Your photos are a reflection of the real atmosphere in the pediatric office and rise indefinable excitement and butterflies feelings in my abdomenal area. I'm a mother of a son who is not quite old enough to be getting too embarrassed about my presence in exam room during his physicals, so I feel it is perfectly appropriate for me to witness the whole thing. I want to make sure he is healthy and developing normally, and I may need to ask some questions as well. All visits included genital check at the end of the exam where the doctor usually pulls his underpants to his knees and conducts hernia and testicular examination. Since there is no shirm in the exam room, this check has been done practically in front of my eyes. As I said above my son is not quite old enough to make a fuss about that. However, I too often see mothers entering the pediatric exam room with older sons who apparently have entered puberty and their son's behavior shows discomfort and embarassement. I am curious to know if the examinations of the boys who are already in puberty is done in the same way as the examination of my pre-pubescent son.

    5. Very interesting Anon. I make it a point to accompany my husband to his medical appointments and insist on being present when he is being examined. I would never tell him, but it is a total turn on for me to watch the exam . Although he protests my observing as a rule, he was beside himself about two years ago when his insurance changed and the doctor assigned to give him his annual physical was a young woman. Suffice it to say he spent the better part of an hour beet red as the doctor performed a thorough physical on the hapless fellow with me in attendance. To this day I get wet between the legs when I think of that exam.


  2. Bonjour Alex,

    Le monde médical : un incontournable de " la honte nécessaire". C'est un peu comme passer la visite chez le médecin quant on est ado, surtout accompagné de Maman (c'était mon cas) et devant une femme médecin. Je me souviens que la seule fois où j'ai vu une "doctoresse", ce fut à l'âge de 17 ou 18 ans, en vacances pour je ne sais plus quel problème. Elle me fit mettre en slip et chaussettes. La honte de devoir le faire devant deux femmes. Une maman connaît son fils sous toutes les coutures, comme l'on dit.
    Et pour nos mamans "mère-poule", nous resterons toujours "leur" petit garçon, une sorte de Peter Pan. Rires.
    Cette dame, assez forte et de même génération que ma Maman, m'avait impressionné tant par son attitude très pro que son "look" tailleur jupe et chignon. Ca remonte à l'époque du Lycée, il y a un peu plus d'une trentaine d'années. C'est un peu cette personnalité que je reprend dans les quelques dessins que je t'ai envoyé. Les filles semblent moins gênées que nous dans ce genre de situation, non ? Enfin j'imagine.

    1. Elle ressemble peut-être à la doctoresse au chignon de mon premier dessin?
      Les filles allaient sans doute accompagnées de leur mère aussi, pas de leur père

    2. Edit: non, elle n'a pas vraiment un chignon, malgré son look retro

    3. Alex,

      Elle se rapproche d'elle dans son look, avec la différence de couleur: cheveux noirs et lissés, et elle portait aussi des verres de contact plutôt épais qui n'apparaissent pas sur ton cliché.
      J'avoue que plus d'une fois je me suis imaginé fessé sur ses genoux sous le regard inquiet de ma Maman. Qui se réservait toujours pour elle-même le droit de me gronder et de me punir. Elle savait doser sa colère vis-à-vis de moi.
      Bon moment quant j'y repense.

  3. "and could you please remind me your complaints about my staff again" Feels like a story there. Left lady is quite demure, the one on the right seems to be enjoying it, middle lady nice and firm.

    My fav of the two is the "tweet" one, the social media aspect is a very good touch. Your right the mother is torn between the two reactions, the nurse really pleased and the boy glancing back in horror, perhaps knowing that image will be around for a long time.

    1. - Regarding the first picture: I feel these sepia pictures don't go well with text. So I try to tell as much as possible in the title

      - Yes, exactly. He had a quick glance back to see what she is doing, and at this very second he understood the story won't end in this room

  4. My friend who was an ambulance crew member once told me about a guy who had a beer bottle inserted far enough inside him that he couldn't pull it out, at least not without medical assistance. He, and his friends, claimed that he had simply tried to sit on a stool where someone had left this bottle...... (no explanation how this happened without tearing a hole in his trousers!)

    1. Haha!! ^^
      Telling the truth (or nothing) would be less ridiculous

  5. Que tesão lindas,adoraria estar nu ai,do jeito que estou aqui,delicias,beijos....

  6. Another triumph Alex. I love the one with a poor young fellow kneeling looking back in utter fright at the stern female doctor and the attending nurses. What does she have in store for him?? Wonderful art!


    1. Thank you very much !! : )

      Right now I'm trying to work on a beach / public pool update, inspired by these hot days where I live

  7. I found this site because a picture from 2014 (medical CMNF -- a young girl examined while a male window washer looked in) appeared on a site I follow. It would be nice to see some medical CMNF--there are lots of fans of CMNF out there. Maybe you could alternate updates?

    1. I like this rather old picture, one of the first HQ I was chasing for every wrong pixel I think
      Well, I'd like to do one more " beach CFNM ",and then go back to medical.
      And above all, I want to go back to more frequent updates! ; )

  8. Hello can I request the same humilation but the men are lying down ready for circumcision with nurse around them , i dont mind the penis though

  9. Il n'y a rien de spécial ni de pervers sur ces photos d'examens médicaux, rien que des jeunes infirmières qui font consciencieusement leur travail et pour subir certains examens parfois il faut être tout nu, c'est comme-ça.
    Par contre ce qui serait pervers c'est qu'un grand garçon ne sache pas se retenir de faire le gros bâton et évidemment puisqu'il est tout nu les jeunes infirmières le verront.
    Les pauvres seront obligées de le mentionner dans le rapport médical remis à la maman du garçon qui sera obligée de prendre des mesures sévères.

  10. Intéressant d'avoir mis ces deux photos sur le même post.
    En effet, sur la photo en noir et blanc on voit un garçon tout simplement inquiet à cause de l'examen qu'il doit subir mais lorsqu'on a un problème de santé n'est-ce pas tout à fait normal.
    Il est vrai que là on peut voir une infirmière expérimentée s'enduire une main de vaseline ce qui peut inquiéter le garçon surtout qu'il y a aussi deux jeunes stagiaires en formation.
    Sans doute que le garçon aura un petit durcissement dont il aura honte et je le comprends surtout s'il a envie d'être un bon garçon qui sait bien se comporter devant les filles.
    L'autre image par-contre montre une situation beaucoup plus gênante.
    En effet, si la raison pour laquelle il a dû se déshabiller tout nu est qu'il faut prendre sa température, ce qui est minime, il doit exposer ses fesses encore bien rougies par une correction certainement méritée devant tout le monde et ça, qu'est-ce que ça doit être humiliant surtout si sa maman est là aussi et qu'elle raconte aux infirmières pourquoi son grand garçon a été puni.

  11. Décidément, c'est une collection spéciale, où chaque jeune homme se fait pénétrer, chacun d'une manière différente.

    J'aime beaucoup "Lonesome, extremely frustrated young man". Ce pauvre jeune homme veut simplement connaître de nouvelles sensations, mais sa timidité l'empêche de se diriger vers la gent féminine, donc la bouteille de coca fera l'affaire.

    Le visage de l'infirmière, son sourire peut vouloir dire plein de chose ! Peut-être qu'au fond elle apprécie la situation... Sans doute que les conséquences de la frustration masculine l'amuse.

    1. Les objets les plus bizarres coincés " en glissant en sortant de la douche ", c'est d'une grande banalité dans le monde hospitalier. Si vous connaissez comme-moi des gens qui travaillent dans le service concerné, posez-leur la question... Boules de pétanque (!), nunchaku (!), et bouteilles de coca. Ici j'ai simplement voulu illustrer ce qu'on ne voit jamais ! : )
