Saturday, March 9, 2019

Upcoming domestic little tragedies

Well if you ask me, that wasn't the best way to start the year for me. Unexpected serious health issues!! But while I was stuck at the clinic, I thought of all I wanted to do when coming back to life. And one thing was the images I wanted to make. Yes, somehow the kinky ideas cheered me up.

So here I am, 2 pictures done already, working for more : ) But I always prefer to share when I have a proper update of 4 - 5

A little bird told me that Barbara O'Toole's new set may be ready before mine...

It's good to be back

Cheers : )



  1. Welcome back! Good to hear that you're well. I think we all look forward the upcoming stuff. I'll get back to you at least in summer.



  2. Bonjour Alex,

    Ach, mein' Gott ! Die strenge mutti !!!
    La fessée de Mardi Gras pour le garnement en pyjama sur les genoux de Maman, devant Tantine en colère et les deux cousines qui pouffent de rire !!!
    "Frappes bien fort, ma chérie ! C'est un effronté !".
    Ah les femmes de notre vie...

  3. Thank you all for the comments : )


  4. Warm regards to you. We have missed you and great to see you back.
