Sunday, February 23, 2025

NEW pictures : in Belgium (CFNM), Sweden (forced regression), France (spanking)... you will travel the world : )


Hello my dear friends !

I hope you will enjoy the stories with these two public pictures, Pee like a little girl, and Thomas Edward Thompson, it's a collaboration with 
Nice isn't it? : )

As for the private pictures, you will travel in space and time to Belgium Summer 1950s (the black and white one, see below), Choc Générationnel (France in the 1970s), and Dam Skötrum (Sweden nowadays)
Dam Skötrum... am I allowed to be very proud of this one? Like one of the very best I ever did? I realised it's a very beautiful one when I found myself coming back to gaze at it again and again, excited  ^^  Remember I started making pictures for myself only, because I couldn't find what I truly wanted on the web. 

For you dear VIPs, it's already in your mailbox. 

And I have one medical picture already finished for the upcoming set... I feel I'm on a mission these days, so many rebelious boys to punish!

Until next time,



  1. Pics good, although diaper stuff does nothing for me. The excessive commentary spoils the experience . Better if words- if any- are entirely separate from the picture, then only the picture can be downloaded- but keep going!

    1. I think I will make all pictures available with a story, and without. That should make everyone happy Thank you for your comment Mike! : )

    2. The pictures of the male, naked, hands at side, seeing the hairbrush, and knowing what is to come, those pictures speak the loudest. Jack

  2. Thank you so much for that marvellous journey into a „perfect world“. The pictures as well as the comments are just breathtaking. So much humiliation, so much discipline, so much female supremacy. Absolutely phantastic!!!
    I am a super fan of „Nannies with Fair Disciple“! Every boy should have the opportunity to be taken into that program. It would make the world a so much better place to live. It would make the life of every woman so much easier and eradicate all those unnecessary frustrations with unruley boys!
    Every mother, every girlfriend, every wife should immediately inscribe her boy to that great „Little Girls Package“! I love and adore every of those 8 points that are to expect when being part of that package. That hairbrush-inspired paddle should serve as a wonderful reminder, that we are talking about a strict no-nonsense program for boys in need. The knowing smile of that nanny tells me that this very paddle is in no time in the hand of the experienced female disciplinarian doing the work, that is so much needed by any boy at her will. It is so great to know that she will never be interfered by any pleas, whimpers or tears of a boy within the program.
    One small suggestion: please also include into the „structured playdates“ such dates with girls in his age as well. That would bring the opportunity for the young woman to get used to her future role as the head of the household and mistress of any man under her custody. Also it would help the young boy to actually experience the universal validity of the „rule of subjectivity“. That rule states that the personal, the subjective view of any person with a pussy between her legs is the only true view at things. If she thinks his curtsey was not sexy enough, if she states he did not show enough obedience or if she notes his attitude was not girlish enough he should be in for a severe punishment and a dolorous retraining. That way the boy has the opportunity to learn so many important things:
    1. That a woman is always right
    2. That a woman will always get what she wants
    3. That any sign of disapproval from his side will instantaneously lead to a very sore bottom
    4. To show sincere gratitude for any note of inapropriate behaviour and for any measure of discipline and education
    5. To become exactly that puppy that this specific woman wants him to be
    The young woman at the „structured playdate“ has the oportunity to watch the experienced nanny dealing with the boy under her boot. She can learn how to effectively punish a boy: it is soooo important to show young women how to faceslap a boy, how to yank his pants down and how to take him over the knee and how to blister his but without mercy.

    Thank you so much for the second picture as well. All that rebellious behaviour of that boy would not have occured if he had be in fort he „Litte Girls Package“ before.

    1. Thank you very much for the detailed feedback : )
      I plan to do more of " Nannies with Fair Disciple “. If it's not in the immediate next update, it will be in the one afterward.
      I take noet of your " structured playdates " suggestion ; )

  3. My favorites are Belgium Summer 1950s and Dam Skötrum. I enjoyed Clara teasing Henri about his small penis in Belgium Summer and Jakob's mother putting him in a diaper in front of his older and younger sister. I imagined Jakob's mother teasing him that his penis hadn't grown much since she had last changed his diapers back when he was a baby as his sisters died laughing. So humiliating!

    P.S. I also liked the public pictures that Julie wrote stories for, especially Pee like a little girl. While I'm not into cross dressing I liked how in Julie's story the Nannie made Michael wipe front to back like a girl after he peed on the potty.-seth

    1. Thank you for your feedback!
      Same here, Belgium Summer and Dam Skötrum must be my faves this time : )

  4. My wife/mommy reminds me that I maybe an adult but I just a little boy in an adult body. My wife rules the home, and so when as she calls me her naughty little boy, the mommy comes out and I'm sound spanked bare bottom over her lap. Jack
