Wednesday, June 5, 2024

" MORE than an Au Pair ", retro medical, and other Embarrassing pictures


It was such pleasure to create again, why did it take me so long? Busy life. I'm glad I've found some free time to share these pictures with you. 
MORE than an Au Pair is somehow a personal story: the way Isabelle looks, her name, she is someone who taught me something... But I won't detail it here.
While I was making this scene, I realized how much I was inspired be Barbara's creation, here in the teaser of beautiful Portfolio 21 (March 2020) on top left : 

I LOVE this piece of work from Barbara. It also inspired 3 more pictures on the MORE than an Au Pair concept, you can't see them all in my teaser, but they are part of the private update. 

Among the various private pictures, I couldn't resist to do one more in the style of Her Holy Duty. Back in the time when there was no Internet, and a magazine of half-naked ladies found under your bed could put you in serious trouble. 

Regarding the texts, my English is broken, but thankfully Tercy Latt is here to upgrade my sentences and add that beautiful little something, thank you. 

Dear VIPs, all the private pictures are in your mailbox today. 



Tuesday, May 21, 2024

In case you've been wondering...

No, this place is not dead : ) 
Not at all
I'll send a new set of private pictures before this summer
And something tells me Barbara is coming back as well...
This is all good news for you, a bit less for the boys in these scenes



Tuesday, July 4, 2023

CFNM, Spanking... Barbara O'Toole's new portfolio 29 ! : )


It is always a nice surprise to discover Barbara's latest set of new scenes, they are already classic : ) 
- I love the CFNM discomfort of Before His Tennis Date. 
- My imagination runs wild with The Single Mother. What are the weird and complicated links between the Mother and the boy? Does she really accepts his puberty and the fact that he may leave the nest one day? Some mothers never want their Angel to grow up and be left alone...
- The YMCA Infirmary, suggesting an enema and other very embarrassing treatments in public, is another superb CFNM scene 

To add these 8 new pieces full quality/size to your collection and support Barbara's art, just write directly to her :  b_o2l AT yahoo com

As for me, as always, I don't plan to stop soon. You just need to be  patient enough, and one day you'll be surprised to find my latest private pictures in your mailbox : )


Friday, February 24, 2023

Five new pictures : Stuttgart 1982, Governess Hernandez...


It is a real pleasure to create these scenes again ! And to share them to like-minded people who understand what it is about.
So the text for " Maternal Rage " is made by John Wilkins. Of course I know well the stories behind my pictures, but English is not my mother tongue, his input is very beautiful I think. Tercy Latt is behind " Mothering Sunday ". He used to comment my pictures here on this page. You can find his great stories and others on " moggstories " (recommended links are on the right side of this page). 
Dear VIPs, the three private pictures should be in your mailbox by now.
Don't hesitate to leave a comment here, to let me know what is your fave scene or if you don't like one.
Wish you all a very nice weekend !                                                                  AleX 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Seriously ?

Seriously ? 

You thought I would stop creating such scenes? 
I love making them real. 

Below is a glimpse of next update, presumably in February. " Maternal Rage " happens at public swimming pool. 

J.Wilkins has found the right words, as it is sometimes difficult for me to express it in correct English.

Talk to you soon !

And have a very nice weekend,


Monday, October 24, 2022

Barbara O'Toole's new portfolio 28 !!

The most simple scenes can be the most beautiful. Take " Still my little Boy " for example. It speaks volumes of Matriarchy. The unfortunate young man in his pyjamas is not only spanked the old fashioned way, but was regressed with diaper for the night. 
I love the 1950s/1960s atmosphere, there are plenty of exemples in each page of this website. I love how Barbara pick the most next-door and beautiful women from that era. Too bad these boys seem not to understand nor enjoy the beauty of it ; ) 

To add these 8 new pieces full quality/size to your collection and support her art, just write directly to her :  
b_o2l AT yahoo com

On a different note, I shall thank again everyone who has sent me a private message to ask my news. I've received so many different messages the past months to ask if I'm still alive, and if I plan to share new pictures again. I have two good news : yes, and yes : ) 
It's a shame I haven't shared new pictures for almost a year. I can be slow at times (because my life outside this website can be hectic, just like yours), but I LOVE creating these scenes out of my wild imagination. I shall have more time dedicated to it from now. So no : I'm not giving up 

Until next time,


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Barbara's new creations #27 !!

Last one was in June, I missed it !
The whole atmosphere of the set is again bittersweet, in such a pretty way.
I love the whole appearance and facial expression of the boy on " Grounded ", it looks very credible. Possibly because I was looking like him years ago ^^

To add these 8 new pieces, but in full quality/size to your collection, just write directly to her :  
b_o2l AT yahoo com

As for me, I'm trying new things. Most often I try, I don't like it much, I erase it. But when I like it, I mean it : ) " Forced regression kills rebellion " is something that inspires me these days, but we'll what will come out later. Thank you for your patience : ) 

Thank you for the private messages I get, telling me my work matters to you. There was a time I was a bit in doubt that I was the only one loving these fantaisies, not anymore.
And I sincerly  wish everyone of you a very good 2022 
